Sunday, December 28

Phantom of the Opera and Natural Childbirth

Ok. I have very overdue for a post.

I promised and failed to produce.

I am watching the Phantom of the Opera with my loving wife, Dane and Melissa, and our rent. Phantom of the OperaI shall expand on the person simply named “rent” later on, maybe another post. I must say I love this movie, and musical. Have you ever seen this in the theater? Never pass up the chance. I enjoyed it. I’m more an action, crime, and suspense, and adventure guy. This musical has captured my attention. My ability to write this post is only purchased by the fact I have seen this movie a multitude of times. The start of this movie begins with a dingy, damaged theater auction. The movie rolls back in time to the time the theater was a thriving entertainment venue. Quickly the movie introduces you to the beautiful voice of Christine, the main character. The character is an orphaned child turned imprisoned woman. Then the dark mysterious phantom enters the show. It becomes a suspenseful romantic drama, in my humble opinion.
- Anyone care to comment on their favorite scene in the movie?

I learned a secret today! It brought me great joy. It was the kind of secret that confirms that God is in Control. We surrIsaac 2 day old feetender all doubt in his thoughtful plan. However, it would not be a secret if I told you. So I will tell another secret that is ripe to the point of being a public blessing. My loving wife is expecting our second child. We are thrilled! My wife and I used a mid-wife for our first child. I loved using the mid-wife because I felt she was more personal, thoughtful, and respected our view point and opinion. The midwife made the birth an enjoyable experience. My wife found joy in giving birth. She wrote an inspiring birth story that is a highly recommended read. Maybe one day it will be publicly available. What was not enjoyable about our Isaac’s birth was the hospital. We were very clear that we desired the birth to be as close to natural as possible. I am not condoning or discrediting anyone’s birthing experience, c-section or natural with pain relievers. To each his own, and bless any woman who blesses this world with a child. In some circumstances intervention is a must have, and vital to the delivery. My wife and I just prefer to have a natural birth.

Back to the hospital, the nurses told us afterward they highly doubted our ability to finish without asking for pain relief. The nurse explained that they only see one natural birth in every hundred. THAT was a good feeling. I also had problems with the nurses pushing vaccines and testing for the baby.

We have found a great midwife to use this time. She does home births, which is our next adventure. Lynne and I would like to embrace the birthing experience instead of treating it as a “sickness” as the general population has. We are not only considering the emotional aspect to this decision, but also the monetary. First I must stress that it is a FLAT cost. The midwife outlines all the costs involved at the beginning. I know there are unforeseen costs, and most doctors also do this. However, most doctors fail to tell you that the hospital will be billing you for the year following the birth. The cost of the midwife is a half of what I spent out of pocket for a hospital birth. Do not assume I went with the cheapest solution though. This midwife has come with recommendation from our previous midwife. Our first appointment with her will be soon into the New Year.

With that I leave you. Oh, today in Sunday school we spent some time on the meaning of humble. Humble as it pertains to marriage. So how would you define humble?


Wednesday, December 24

Sponser a CEO TODAY!

The Windows Media Player on this computer has been disabled. I uploaded this so I can watch it. If it's funny I will leave it up. The title at least sounds funny. Right?

I will be adding another post later on this evening.

Sunday, December 21


The space bardoesnt really work onthiscomputer. I pressit andsometimes it works but sometimes it doesn't. I'm borrowing Emily'scomputer. Igot anicecommentfrom a personI don't know. Which provesthat anythingyou poston the internet ispublic knowledge. Ireally wantto type more on this butseemto forget about it. Sofarfor Christmas I havegotten 2DVDs and a Best Buygift card. It'stime to go, but I willpost again onChristmasEve.



Friday, December 12


Woohoo. Time to celebrate, I got another follower... hmm, not sure who, but at least someone is reading this.

I'm at the Comm Center. It's 30 minutes till the end of my shift. Tonight has been the nights for fires. I think I've dispatched 3 box alarms this shift. I will leave it at that since too many people have shared more information than necessary in the past.

Jobs... so I'm really enjoying this no job thing. I'm working part-time for CCEMS. I love it. However, I do need a full-time job. I went from 70 hours a week to 36. Talk about a lot of family time. I'm in a much better mood I think. Though it is stressful waiting for jobs to come about.

HC PCT 5 - Application submitted - awaiting entry level testing
HCSO - Pre-app accepted - physical agility scheduled
HC PCT 1 - Application appt scheduling
Bellaire - Application filled out
Tomball - Working out for next physical agility

I'm not sure what else to share. I wish I had this all inspiring paragraph to give you. Isaac is truely a wonderful kid. He blesses us every day. My wife is still the greatest. She's a really tropper and keeps a tidy home. She is the definition of companion and loving.

Time to go... lady called and said she "smells heat"

Friday, December 5

2nd Amendment

The sound is pretty bad, but you have to watch this video. This woman understands the 2nd amendment better than any politicians every could. The sound isn't the best, but bear with it.

Thursday, December 4

Just a thought

I'm on the run! I'm about to go to the Church and be a button pusher for the Lamb School event. I was tech director but have been moved to K2 operator. For anyone that missed the Tech Arts meeting yesterday I was very pleased. Kent spoke for most of the meeting. He says that he wants input of the team. He wants us to be creative and try new things. He also said the church is spending $350,000 on Tech Arts while it is cutting spending in other areas. My personal opinion, cut the bulletin. I mean, how much money are we spending on those things? They are extravagant. I'm not saying cut them out, but maybe find a cheaper, simpler way to produce them?

Second, there is a group of people that stock the bibles, offering envelopes and such in the pews each week. Why is that not a volunteer ministry? Why do we have to pay for that? So, for any decision makers out there, those are my thoughts.

Back to something else. I spent much of today filling out two applications. Harris County Constable 1 and Bellaire PD. However, they require some more information than my previous applications so I am in a stall pattern to complete them. On a good note, HC PCT 5 called and said I am just waiting for the next entry level skills testing. I also did 20 push ups today, 2 sets of 10.

Looking forward to this weekend. I will tell you later.

As I go, I got this from my small group teacher,

What would improve your marriage? Why are you not doing it?


Tuesday, December 2

God is at work in this world.

So I'm sitting here at midnight typing on the computer. I have wanted to post something for a long time. God has blessed me with a wonderful wife who called to me and pulled me when I was becoming lost. Life just got so busy and I got lost in the swirls of busy. Right now Lynne has passed out on the couch watching Jeopardy, Isaac is asleep. Sweet little Isaac waved to me as I shut the door to his room. It is only by the grace of God that our child is so well behaved. I fear my parenting skills are lacking, but Lynne continues to build me up.

So do you want to know the reason for the title?

What has always defined me? What am I constantly talking about? What would you love to take a 5 minute break from?


Since junior high I have been talking about my "work". I lived at the fire station. Once I met Lynne I kicked back a little bit, but those who knew me know. I was still all about the latest fire, the latest high speed event. I was "on fire". It's one of the things that Lynne was attracted to, Work Ethic. It's funny how that work ethic was so powerful at work, but lacking in chores. I remember my dad getting mad because I would not pull weeds in the backyard. So after the fire department there was emergency dispatching. I loved to tell stories about my phone calls and radio bloopers. After dispatching, it got worse, POLICE. Yep, that's right, the great State Of Texas trusted me with a gun. Now that was fun. I was offered the chance to enter the Jersey Village Fire Marshal's Office just as it was getting off the ground. It was a rewarding experience. But in the end, it was one I was not ready for. There I was given freedom and duties. I learned a lot. My boss was one of the greatest men I know. He is truly a man of God and one I trust without a second thought. If ever given the chance to work for a Christian man, I suggest you take it. That alone out weighs any other benefit.

So after a year at that job I switched patrolman for the Jersey Village Police Department. Without going into a lot of detail, those were the most trying and most rewarding 6 months of my life. I learned many life lessons, many the hard way. God worked in so many ways while I was there. Sadly, I ignored most of the Holy Spirit's leading. Then on Nov. 17th, for many personal reasons, I gave two weeks notice. It was not due to any one event, or any wrong doing by the officers of that department. I left on good terms and with a good recommendation to other departments. I just felt it was time for me to make a significant change in my life. It was time to return to the basics of God and family. I felt very at peace with the decision and trust God will provide for me and my family.

Ironically, three days later I attended Dane's graduation as a civilian. I felt naked without a gun.

(sonic commercials are stupidly funny.)

I'm currently applying to Harris County Pct 1 & 5 Constable's offices, Bellaire PD, and the Harris County Sheriff's Office. I have gone back to being a 911 dispatcher part-time to pay bills and at least have a job.

Well, I am suddenly tired. I never got to talk about what I thought I wanted to talk about. God is working, that is obvious. Time to go to sleep. Recently I have been told that Melissa and I share this same trait. I can be up, happy, and ready for laps, and then suddenly I wanted to be in bed 30 minutes ago. Melissa does that with food. She'll be fine, filled, and content, and then suddenly hungry. I don't blame her, I like food too. But like my beautifully trim wife, they both keep a slim figure.

Last minute thought, When is the latest time you took an hour for just you and your spouse?

Saturday, November 8

Gun Control

Just watch the video

Thursday, October 30


Isaac was playing in the living room with Lynne and I. I was making eggs for breakfast (at 11am) and Lynne was ordering pictures on the computer. We started to wonder where Isaac went...

Isaac had gone into his room, closed the door, and gone to sleep on the floor. He put himself down for a nap. Very Awesome!

Tuesday, October 21


During these serious times, people of all faiths should remember these four religious truths: 


1. Muslims do not recognize Jews as God's chosen people.


2. Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah. 


3. Protestants do not recognize the Pope as the leader of the Christian world. 


4. Baptists do not recognize each other at Hooters.


Sunday, October 19

Klennex Man!

Saw it on 1960 at Jones.

Friday, October 17

Sarah Palin

5 questions no one has addressed, especially the media, WHY?

Question 1:  What is America 's first line of missile interceptor defense that protects the entire United States ?

Answer: 49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard.

Question 2:  What is the ONLY National Guard unit on permanent active duty?

Answer: 49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard

Question 3: Who is the Commander in Chief of the 49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard?

Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska

Question 4:  What U.S. governor is routinely briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counter terrorism?

Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska

Question 5:  What U.S. governor has a higher classified security rating than either candidate of the Democrat Party?

Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska 

Thursday, October 2

Virus Warning

If you get an e-mail with "Nude Photos of Sarah Palin" in the subject line, do not open it. It might contain a virus.

If you get an e-mail with "Nude Photos of Hillary Clinton", do not open it. It might contain nude photos of Hillary Clinton.

Fwd: FW: The Wood Spider

See attached video

Tuesday, September 23

Time to clean up!

I'm getting paid overtime to jam to Pyscho by Puddle of Mudd while I follow/escort a large trash truck with a claw. The city contracted to have all the debris and fences removed. Some citizens seem to be upset about this so we are having to escort the trash trucks so they can do their job. Then there are the other residents who must be relaxing today because they are videotaping the trucks. That's retirement for you.

My A/C is still out. The a/c company that came out I have been very happy with. It's for the warranty company that my realtor got for me when we bought the house. However he said the warranty company is calling it storm damage and does not want to cover it. I called a friend who gave me some inside A/C information and I called the warrant company back. They are sending out a second opinion guy. I'm sure he will see differently.

WOW. I'm watching this trash truck. The skills this guy has are amazing. He's swinging this claw around like it was his own hand and grabbing piles the size of a Chevy Tahoe. Which by the way is the next car I would like. It will be a while, but still.

That's all for now. I'm happy for Dane, he's only 2 months from finishing the academy. Lynne is being awesome, she is the best wife ever and a great trooper with the A/C being out.


Oh and Melissa is cool too.... lol :P She kept my wife company all through their trip "around" houston.

Sunday, September 21

Last day of Operation Ike

Today is the last day. After this shift all days off are back and we resume normal schedule. Few signs of Ike are still lingering. There is a large amount of trees that must be cleaned up from the storm. Most of everyone I know has power back. I have power back but the A/C is out. Isn't that wonderful.

LYNNE IS HOME! Alright... I just rolled up on a stalled vehicle. Have a good day.

Tuesday, September 16


It's my day off. I'm at work and very happy about that. I started getting a headache today. I think I need more water. The power is coming back on to parts of the city. Hopefully we will have power soon.

Last night I slept at Dane's Apartment. It was great. I had electricity and warm water.

So now, being fully destressed, I am enjoying a work day. As of right now I am parked at the Super K at 290 and Village Dr. We are providing unofficial crowd control. My parents came and cleaned up the house for me. I really appreciated that. Tonight I have to clean out the fridge and lysol it. I need some charcol too. I think the Moore's have some I can use.


ps... power came on at my house

Monday, September 15


Easting breakfast at 8. THen going home to sleep till 2pm. Long night, but little actual break-ins.

night shift

rollin two deep with virgil. lots of thefts.

Sunday, September 14

US 290 Mainlanes

Fwd: Fw: Safe

Not sure why.... the blog is not updating by my phone. I may not be able to update as often as I would like. US 290 is a parking lot right now. I don't understand but millions of people are leaving town.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 2:35 PM
Subject: Fw: Safe
To: James Singleton <>

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----

Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 18:24:43
To: James Singleton<>
Subject: Safe

House is still safe. No water. Lots of flooding last night.
Car is low on fuel. (Not a problem) I have a secret source to get 5000 gallons of gasoline if needed.
No looting on my street. Starting to be a problem in the city. Several large disturbances last night.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Fwd: Fw: At home

-----Original Message-----

Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 17:55:07
To: James Singleton<>
Subject: At home

I'm at home. All the power is out in harris county. Only EOC's and sewage plants have water. No generator at my house. Attempting sleep in 80+ house. All guns are loaded. Too many people walking the streets. No curfew here. There should be.
Gasoline is at least 5.00/gal. If you can find it.

I am just fine. A chance to wash clothes would be good. I'm about to take a cold shower. Water pressure is still high so I'm going to assume the water is okay to shower in. I mean I got soap, that should kill everything right? :)

Really glad Lynne went to San Antonio. I have only been home for a few minutes. Speaking of, I love you. Tomorrow I will take pictures of the house for you. One fence fell, but we all knew that would happen.

Ok, time for bed. Bye all.

Where is dane?????
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Saturday, September 13

Current Assignment

I have been here since 2pm, and expect to leave around midnight.

Again, my house is fine. Power will hopefully come on soon. I've been told that if it doesn't come on in 24 hours then it will take 2 weeks.

There isn't any real major damage in Jersey Village except Motel 6. The next biggest thing is this:

This is my patrol vehicle parked blocking a 3 lane feeder road to the freeway. You can see the 5 power poles down in the two right lanes.

This is another pole along the same line that is damaged. See how it snapped in the middle but it is still standing?

Back to sitting. Maybe I'll take pictures of other minor things later.

time for food

We're at the fire station eating lunch. The past post were attempted last night and it seems they never made it through. I'll have more later hopefully.


Fwd: Fw: IMG00050.jpg

-----Original Message-----

Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 15:18:11
To: James Singleton<>
Subject: IMG00050.jpg

This is a HCSO unit
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Fwd: Fw: IMG00049.jpg

-----Original Message-----

Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 14:40:47
To: James Singleton<>
Subject: IMG00049.jpg

Motel 6 lost its roof in the middle of the night. 55 evacuated. Bad picture but the walkway to the rooms also failed.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Fwd: Fw: Motel 6

-----Original Message-----

Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 11:27:30
To: James Singleton<>
Subject: Motel 6

Roof torn off, partial collapse.  55 evacuees.

Heavy wind.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Fwd: Fw: VID 00009

-----Original Message-----

Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 08:11:25
To: James Singleton<>; Lynne Singleton<>
Subject: VID 00009

Hmmm..... I don't think you can see or hear much but its worth a shot
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Fwd: Fw: Rain

-----Original Message-----

Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 07:45:35
To: James Singleton<>
Subject: Rain

It has started raining hard. I had a suspicious vehicle drive down the street a minute ago. That problem was handled.

The rain is getting really hard and severe wind. HCSO is still working.  My dad is on a fire truck and he is still working. They sent us all home at 9pm and let night shift handle any calls. We are supposed to go to work as soon as the wind dies down.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Fwd: Fw: Wind

-----Original Message-----

Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 07:16:15
To: James Singleton<>
Subject: Wind

The wind is picking up, Ike has made landfall
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Fwd: Fw: '21"

-----Original Message-----

Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 06:30:27
To: James Singleton<>
Subject: '21"

The subject is "alt" key for KEWL. Should have held SHIFT.

Dude, the whole sky is teal and the transformers are all hmm'ing.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Fwd: Fw: IMG00047.jpg


Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 06:24:20
To: James Singleton<>
Subject: IMG00047.jpg

This is the SGT Horton holding on for dear life as hurricane force winds dared to take his life.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


It's 1am

The wind is pretty bad at the moment but I think it's nothing compared to what a "real" hurricane would be like. Did it turn a little? Seems like we aren't getting much. The sky keeps turning green with transformers blowing up. There hasn't been much rain so the bayous are just fine. The news media makes so much hype.

That's all I'm gonna type from my blackberry at the moment. We are watching CSI:Miami at the Moore's house. There are 3 officers on duty. We have all been told to report at the PD tomorrow as soon as the wind allows.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Friday, September 12

The chaos has started

Started.... 290 has power lines on it. Getting windy. No rain. Apartment robbery 5 mins ago. I'm working hard, and safely.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Fw: Windy

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----

Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 00:38:44
To: <>
Subject: Windy

It's starting to get windy, no rain

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

oh yeah....

expect to pay high dollars for gas. it's already $5.50/gal in houston.


So Ike is coming... Evacuation was easy, so I expect the after-storm effect to be bad. Millions of people stayed. The wife is safe. It's time to go to bed. I have a feeling tomorrow will be a long day.


Monday, May 5


How is it that millions of americans cannot think for themselves? I guess that's pretty typical of a conservative republican to think though. Most democrats want all their needs handed to them on a silver plater. That is what makes free national health care sound so wonderful. But have you ever stopped to think what that would cost us? Ask some of your Canadian friends about nationwide health care. Wait times in some ERs can be as long as 4 hours. According to wikipedia, who cited 119 sources, stated 57% of patients wait over 4 weeks to speak with a specialist.

My solution to health care? Stop handing it out free. All payments for services should be upfront, and cash based. Cash is king. If healthcare organizations, and insurance companies were always paid, they would not have such a large loss at the end of the year.

See this article >>>> Who's going to pay for free health care?

Saturday, April 26

Another email from grandpa

I really do plan to post more... just not right now....
John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama were walking down a Washington D.C. street
when they came upon a homeless person. John McCain gave the homeless person his
business card and told him to come to his office for a job. He then took $20 out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person.

Hillary was very impressed, so when they came upon another homeless person, she decided
to help. She walked over to the homeless person and gave him directions to the welfare
office. She then reached into John McCain's pocket and pulled out $20. She kept $15 for her administrative fees and gave the homeless person $5.

When they came upon yet another homeless person, Obama told the homeless person to
'have hope...change is coming'...and gave him nothing.

Now, do you understand the difference?

Tuesday, April 22

I feel as though I should blog....

Not much to share, and not much time...

I'm very happy to say I'm no longer doing code enforcement. Work is going well, but I need to be more disciplined.

All of the above videos are thanks to grandpa.


Tuesday, April 15


Wednesday, April 9

I saw this quote and thought about how true it was....
If you think there is good in everybody, you haven't met everybody

I would type more... but I just don't have the time.

Sunday, April 6

Katelyn is here!

Dane and Melissa's baby is here! We're so excited. I don't have pictures, but you can check their blogs. They had a wonderful natural labor. I can't believe how small little babies are. It's amazing to see how grown-up Isaac is compared to Katelyn. Soon she too will be so playful and full of joy. 

To recap the last week....
Work - Not too much going on. Doing my "normal" assignments. I took last Thursday off for Melissa's new arrival. This week I might be taking Friday off to spend some time with my loving wife. 

Home life - I power-washed everything. I did the fences, patio, driveway, sidewalk, basketball goal, and mailbox. Alex helped me move the DSL router back into the office. I also fertilized the front yard. I'm going to start watering it every day to see if I can get it to grow back. I always thought my dad was crazy for wanting a good looking lawn, but now I understand. I hate seeing a lawn that has brown spots, and dry areas. I've also promised Lynne I would start vacuuming the house. However, it's the first weekend for me to do that, and I have not succeeded in that. I will just have to vacuum Monday night. 

Extra Jobs - I have a regular job now. YAY! Means I will have a steady check in the mailbox every Friday. 

Cars - Just $14,000 from paying off both of my cars. It's a goal that Lynne and I have. We plan to pay off both of those cars and never have another car loan again. Today I had the wonderful opportunity to purchase a Honda Shadow 750. I would have loved to take that chance. But, my loving wife reminded me of our goals and budget. THANK YOU! That's a loving thank you, not sarcastic. It's wonderful to have team-work marriage. 

Lynne - This month is April! That's means Lynne's birthday is coming up. It's time to start building up for that. So, good gifts for Lynne...
 - Jewelry
 - Soaps, and lotions
 - Movies
 - Lawn chairs
 - Swing 
 - Completed Honey-Doos (she would really like those... I should get on that)
 - Any more? 

Jericho - The "final" episode aired. I say "final" because the Sci-Fi channel has bought rights to continue the show into more seasons. Too bad I don't get the Sci-Fi channel. 

OK, Lynne is making dinner. I'm going to go assist in the task. Later

Tuesday, April 1

Future of the "Day Laborer"

I thought this was really funny.

Easter @ the White House

Tuesday, March 18

New babyseat

The time is running by! Isaac is in a new car seat. We had wanted to keep him in a baby seat as long as possible. They are just safer and better to use. The last several times he's been in the car though, he has been very upset. When he gets in the seat you can see that he wants to sit up. We bought him a new booster seat so he can sit up now.

It was actually a really enjoyable experience with my wife. Though I think she thought I was mad the whole time, or maybe stressed. It's hard to flip from work mode to home mode. I don't get into home mode enough. Have you ever been annoyed with something but didn't understand why, or what? We had planned to meet at Wal-Mart to buy this car seat. However, when we got there she asked if she could buy some other things. It was a change in the plans! But of course, I said "yes, no problem honey". So we continued shopping, which was annoying. But I had said it was okay to start with. So how can I be mad? I said it was okay to start with. The human mind is confusing. So let this be a public apology to my wife. I'm sorry for the way I acted, I didn't mean to be short. I was just trying to go home I guess.

Oh speaking of Wal-Mart. Guys, don't let you wives go there at night. I went to Wal-Mart late one night recently, it was somewhat scary. I parked my car and went towards the entrance. There were near 15 people just hanging out. They weren't waiting on anybody of anything, just there. After I bought my items and went out to my car, I was followed. Being that I am a police officer, I am always carrying a weapon. That night I had my trusty Glock handgun. As I approached my car, I pulled my gun out and just walked with it. Within seconds the individual made a turn and stopped following me. I thought that was the end of it. Last night, Lynne was followed by a different person. She drove away from Wal-Mart and the guy followed her to the Blockbuster. She sat in her car and called me. Within a few short minutes I was there. The guy was gone.

Well... that should be enough. I've got some funny pictures from grandpa. I'll post those tomorrow.


Monday, March 10

So not everything I post will be about me. This is an email I got from my brother. I doubt it's validity. However it is funny.
The US Navy today announced that it has released a senior Al Qaeda terrorist after questioning him extensively for 27 days while being held prisoner aboard a US aircraft carrier in the Arabian Sea In a humanitarian gesture, the terrorist was given $50 US and a white 1962 Ford Fairlane automobile upon being released from custody. The photo below shows the terrorist on his way home just after being released by the Navy.

Wednesday, March 5

Mike Huckabee

It's a shame.

Mike Huckabee has bowed out of the presidential race. I predict Obama as our next president.

March 4th Primaries

Well the primary results are in, and they are a joke. Republicans should be ashamed of themselves. Only 9% of all registered republicans choose to vote in the primaries. I heard of several caucus meetings that were an embarrassment. Republicans came out in low numbers of 4 or 6 people. The democratic caucuses had 200+ people attending.

It makes me want to get involved...

Tuesday, March 4

It's Monday! ok, so the day after Monday

It's Monday! Well kind of... See I took Monday off... again, kind of. I worked from 4am to 10pm. So I had much of the day off. I would love to say I accomplished all the household chores I needed to, but that would be lying. I did get a lot done though. The backyard was cleaned up a little, and I cleaned out my shed. I still have a lot to do in that shed also. I want to run 220v electricity to it. It is in desperate need of lighting and power. With a 220v line I could put in a window A/C unit for the summer months.

Back to "it's Monday!" Yesterday Uncle Jay published another video. He's a blogger that creates "newscasts" about the news. It's really a great show to watch. See his latest at
He also has a really good one about congress,

My calendar for this month is Elitism. I love the comments, "It's lonely at the top. But it's comforting to look down upon everyone at the bottom." Is that how it feels to be a CEO? I think at times my job is lonely. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact I am a sole employee. I work with many of the other departments in the city though. Have I told you what I do?
The first day of the work week I work for public works in code enforcement. I spend 4 hours a week looking for city ordinances violations on nights and weekends. One hour I worked I wrote 17 citations in 60 minutes. Most of it was for trash as a eyesore, or trailers parked overnight. It's a temporary assignment to help clean up the city.
The middle three days I work in the Fire Marshal's Office. I'm a fire inspector and arson investigator. It means a I visit area businesses and enforce the fire code through inspections. I also create pre-plans of all the city businesses. It is also my job to investigate and determine the cause of all fires in the city limits.
The fifth and final workday, I ride patrol with the police department. I do this to keep up with my skills and training.

Okay... well that's a lot of writing for me. I'm going to head home.

Wednesday, February 27

Mailing List

Oh, also.... if you want to receive an update every time something is posted, make a comment. I'll get your email and see to it that you get notified. It's always nice to know that people read.

What every soon-to-be parents need to know

The Business of Being Born

My wife went and saw this movie. It was really interesting. Just view the trailer.

That's all I've got for the moment.